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Whats included in each consultation offered.

Initial Consultation
Primary assessment and treatment lasts 60-90 minutes.
A physiotherapy assessment and treatment plan will be emailed to the referring vet surgeon.
You will be emailed a typed and interactive home care plan.
This will be discussed and demonstrated during the consultation and will be adjusted according to progress.
Manual techniques will be performed and demonstrated to enable you to do this at home.
Active and passive exercises prescribed and demonstrated.
Management at home and a plan will be discussed.
Electrophysical agents used as required.
History and case description will be discussed and taken into consideration to create a personalized treatment plan.
rabbit sitting up balancing using the hindlimbs
Follow up consultation: £50
Initial consultation: £60
Follow Up Consultation
Advice and guidance on equipment needed if appropriate.
Increase in intensity of passive and active exercises according to progress.
Revised home-care plan according to progress.
Weekly sessions for 6-8 weeks.
Follow up consultations last 45 minutes.
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